Sunday, January 14, 2018

ALPHA1...we have a song you read me Houston...over

I thought it might be fun to document the steps we take creating Eigg the Musical; after all, this is a "blog" and that's short for "web log"...right? I've left out some of the preliminary steps because you never really know when or if a project is going to reach the tipping point, but we're there now. The initial concept came in mid 2017 after reading about the Isle of Eigg on Wikipedia. It was a bit touch and go at first, but songs came and the story emerged. It's really quite magical, you have to do a lot of research and get out of the box too. I think we (composers) do this differently, I find it important to let the music drive the story and if the music comes, so does the story; in any case, it takes roughly 6 months to write the songs needed for a full length musical. Here's a preliminary set of songs, but trust me this will change! songs will come...songs will go, as we fully develop the libretto (more to come!)
Early song list for Eigg the Musical